Janine Sirbovan. 


Surroundings play an important role in the development of a character, in the visual influences and tendencies one grows to appreciate and retract inspiration from. 

Growing up in the suburbs of Europe, in Romania, a balkanic culture that was mixed along the years with a street and underground element, formed the shapes, colors and fabrics present in my silhouettes.  

The collection portrays the girl, entangled in her duality; she grew up in the suburbs surrounded by abandoned buildings, were graffiti tags were an amusement or an accessory of the demolished architecture, she experiences life through the eyes of a vandal.  And her other self emanates a strong femininity, a sense of freedom and comfort in her skin. She breaks the barriers of traditional femininity and designs her own attitude. 

As an introduction and because a plain wall represents an empty canvas, she carries a graffiti bomb bag and wears an elongated corset to baggy, entirely made out of vintage jeans, paired with a distressed knit bolero. Dipping further into the collection, degrade knitted two pieces of low waist long skirts paired with knitted and knotted high tops. An all black look with jersey knotted body-con dress bleached paired with high pleated rib heels. A distressed knitted dress paired with the pink hoodie, completely made out of vintage jeans following a traditional balkanic sleeve pattern. A monochromatic mauve look with jersey knotted dress paired with a pleated rib high top and pleated rib high heels. And to sign-off , a dirty white graffiti tagged knitted long dress, paired with entangled sleeve bomber high top and pleated rib heels.  

She moves in an urban jungle, belonging to no system. 

Report for vandalism.