Constanza Estrada Trijillo. 

et cetera.

If I would list the references used for this collection,
the viewer could argue their aesthetic absence. The purpose
was not to represent one culture or custom, but to explore practices of “nondesign”.
“Non-design” refers to creative practices outside of the academia and
professionalism in art and design. The studied practices tend to a personal
taste and expression rather than a concept or fixed narrative. It could be
stated that these practices arise due to a lack of a design or art education
but these “claims” do not make them any less valuable forms of expression.
For this collection I sough to study their processes and not just their
aesthetic qualities; whilst incorporating it with my academic design
I am from Mexico City, and all my references come from vernacular ways of
design. But if you have been there and do not find the city representative in
the garments then the objective of my design process succeeded.




Disclaimer: All semantics and identities have sought their annihilation through this process.